Flying Teachers International

With the aim of constantly developing ourselves and our further training offerings and staying up to date with the latest trends, we maintain an intensive exchange with innovative international partners and networks and strive for collaborations to develop groundbreaking educational products.

International Certification Conference (ICC)

The ICC is a network of European institutions active in the field of language training.

The most important activities include knowledge exchange, quality development and assurance, certification of further training and examinations (e.g. EUROLTA certificate), offering further training
for language course instructors, and networking of local, national and Europe-wide actors including representation in the Council of Europe. The ICC is also an important vessel for innovations in the area of language teaching and adult education in general. The ICC is currently focusing on digitalization (including virtual, augmented and extended reality) and teaching 21st century skills in adult education. Flying Teachers has been a member of the ICC since 2023 with a seat on the board.

European Basic Skills Network (EBSN)

The network is dedicated to professionalization and quality development in the area of promoting basic skills.

The activities include the provision of research results, learning resources, guidelines and assessment tools as well as best practices in the areas of basic skills development for adults (literacy, reading & writing, everyday mathematics, ICT skills and life skills) and course leaders for further education.

Flying Teachers has been a member of EBSN since 2022 and is applying for a board seat in 2023.

Network Europe

In this national network initiated by the SVEB, a number of renowned continuing education providers in German-speaking Switzerland exchange ideas and experiences on international projects with Swiss
participation. From the network, Flying Teachers 2023 submitted five project applications to Movetia:

Mobility project ERASMUS+ Key Action 1

The project serves to network with European actors in the promotion of basic skills.

Further training for course leaders with the aim of using the extensive European know-how to professionalize these areas in Switzerland. Employees of the respective departments and lecturers of the course leader training modules (SVEB, fide, EUROLTA) will take part in the annual conferences of the ICC and the EBSN and in a tailor-made further training program from an innovative European provider and thus gain knowledge of good practices, research trends, tools for practice and Purchase
training modules for learners and course instructors. The acquired know-how should flow into the improvement of existing and the creation of new training products and also be made available to the various stakeholders in Switzerland via various channels.

Cooperation projects ERASMUS+ Key Action 2

These are applications for cooperation projects that have been submitted in the EU by a consortium and, if accepted, will be financed by the EU. The participation of Flying Teacher as an associated partner would be financed by the SERI via the MOVETIA Foundation. The consortium partners are made up of NGOs, private further education institutions, universities, technical colleges and government institutions, ensuring a comprehensive and diverse perspective on the products to be developed.


The ENVISAGE project aims to improve the social impact of non-profit civil society organizations (such as foundations, associations and cooperatives). Through further training, a toolkit (with proven management tools and good practice guidelines) and an e-learning module, the managers of the organizations are intended to be able to react quickly and efficiently to social and structural change and the goals of their organizations to be able to achieve this even under changing conditions. The training products focus on topics such as change management, strategy development, leadership skills, personnel development and management processes with a particular focus on the use of digital technologies and their effects and optimization potential in relation to work processes. The practical products developed in collaboration with the target group promise high efficiency and usability. They are available as an open resource and are particularly beneficial for smaller organizations with limited time and financial resources.


The INSPIRE ME project aims to promote the inclusion of migrant women by providing adult educators with a new methodology that is based on the inspiring life stories of successful migrant women and can be used in language courses for migrant women. The project aims to raise awareness of gender-related, intercultural issues and show participants an inspiring path to success and integration in the host society.

The project creates a collection of female success stories from which lesson plans are developed. In addition, further training is being designed for course leaders in which innovative language learning is presented with a particular focus on inspiring, exemplary stories of migrant women. The resources are made freely accessible via a digital multilingual platform (including DE, FR and IT).


The LiterAll project aims to improve the social inclusion of vulnerable adults through the transversal promotion of basic skills (reading and writing, everyday mathematics and digital skills). The focus is on the methodology of “interactive groups”, in which learners support each other in their learning in and outside of the course. This promotes their ability to cooperate and social skills, reduces inhibitions and promotes learner autonomy. Social inclusion also takes place during learning as
participants network with each other. The results of the project will be a toolkit and an online course instructor training (MOOC). The toolkit includes a collection of sample curricula, guidelines for implementing the IG method in teaching and an online material platform that is intended to be used by both course instructors and the learners themselves. The toolkit and MOOC are developed and tested together with learners and course instructors and are therefore optimally tailored to the needs
of both target groups.


The VALIDATE-IT project aims to strengthen the validation of non-formal education, transversal skills and professional experience across Europe and in Switzerland. The project results - a collection of proven recording and validation practices, e-learning training as well as webinars and video tutorials - are intended to provide targeted support to those involved. Employees improve their chances of finding a suitable job by measuring their skills and experience, while recruiters receive reliable tools to assess the suitability of applicants or employees. Education providers and professional integration organizations can specifically support their learners and clients by identifying existing competencies. Education managers receive tools to specifically design their training programs and, in the case of providers, to have their further training officially recognized. The project expects to have a positive impact on all those involved in the labor and education market, which is of high social relevance, not least in the context of the digital transformation of the labor market and the shortage of skilled workers.

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