The European Language Certificates

TELC - The European Language Certificates

TELC, 'The European Language Certificates,' is one of the leading providers of standardized language tests and examinations in Europe. The organization has developed over 80 exams in 10 languages and conducts them through licensed partners. TELC has played a key role in advancing the development and comparability of language exams across Europe.



Accreditation number: ST-01-001

TELC exams

The TELC European Language Certificates are language tests in line with the EU’s CEFR (Common European Framework Reference for Language Examinations). Varying skills are tested through the full range of levels (A1-C2). The certificates are well-known in Europe and recognised worldwide.

We regularly hold the following TELC examinations:


  • Telc German A1 / CHF 160
  • German B1 School/ CHF 280
  • German B1 + Work/ CHF 280
  • Certificate German B1 / CHF 260
  • German Nursing B1–B2 / CHF 280
  • German B2 + Work / CHF 320
  • German B2 / CHF 300
  • German Medicine B2–C1 / CHF 350
  • German C1 + Work / CHF 350
  • German C1 / CHF 350
  • German C1 University / CHF 350
  • German C2 / CHF 420

Exams with 1-2 participants

The group price cannot be guaranteed for exams with 1–2 participants. Additional fees may apply. Please contact the exam administration directly for information on the applicable prices.

Preparation courses

For the following TELC examinations we offer special preparatory courses:

  • German A2 / CHF 400
  • Certificate German B1 / CHF 450
  • German Nursing B1–B2 / CHF 450
  • German B2 / CHF 490
  • German Medicine B2–C1 / CHF 490
  • German C1 / CHF 550
Cambridge english exams
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