Simply better! ... at the Workplace

Simply better! ... basic skills for companies

With the “Simply better!... at work” funding program, the federal government and cantons support the acquisition and maintenance of basic skills for their employees. Benefit from tailor-made courses in the areas of oral communication, reading, writing, arithmetic and digital applications.

As an experienced, recognized partner, Flying Teachers accompanies you through the entire process and relieves you and your company wherever possible.

What are the advantages of ‘‘Simply better! ... at work” for your company?

We make your employees fit so that they can meet the current and future requirements of your company: language barriers are broken down, error rates are reduced, digital skills are acquired and productivity and efficiency are increased. The satisfaction and motivation of your employees increases and fluctuation decreases.

And the federal government covers a large part of the course costs.

Take advantage of this opportunity: your employees today could be the team leaders of tomorrow!

Why should you choose Flying Teachers as your partner?

We take over the administration, conception, implementation and evaluation of the learning programs tailored to your company and accompany you at every stage. As a company, you determine the relevant course content and what you have learned can be immediately applied in your everyday work.

Thanks to our experience from more than 40 courses with the focus on “Simply better!... in the workplace”, we can provide you with optimal support in the development of your employees.

Projects by industry and frequency: warehousing/logistics, mechanical industry, hospitality, agriculture, automotive industry, textile industry, aviation industry.

Who is the funding program aimed at and how high is the federal contribution?

Company employees who have little to no knowledge of oral communication, reading, writing, arithmetic or ICT are supported.

The federal government supports the courses with CHF 15 per participant and lesson as well as a flat rate of CHF 3,000 for the development of the tailor-made course concept.

What are your next steps?

Contact: We will explain the framework conditions of the funding measures and advise you on all your questions

Determine support needs: Together with you, we determine the needs of your employees directly in the company.

Application: We will create an application for the courses for you, which you can submit directly to the federal government.

Create a course concept: We will work out a tailor-made course concept for you.

Implementation of the course concept in your company: You tell us when and where it suits you - we make it possible!

Payment of funding: After successful completion of the course, we will provide you with all the documents you need to apply for funding from the federal government.

What are the federal requirements?

Aimed at employees who need support in the areas of language, mathematics and/or ICT skills.

The program must be between 20 and 40 lessons long.

At least 3 and maximum 12 participants per group.

The course is counted as working time (can also take place during off-peak times or outside working hours) and is free of charge for employees.

Language: The respective regional language is supported.

Link to the funding program «“Simply»

Your contact person

Nadine Liechti

Site manager and program manager for the Bern and northwestern Switzerland region

Mohamed Saleh

Program manager for the Zurich and Central Switzerland region

Anita Kocsis

Administration and consulting for the Zurich and Central Switzerland region

Bojana Kovacevic

Administration and advice for the Ticino region


We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Berne and Northwestern Switzerland

Zurich and Central Switzerland region

Ticino region

Enquiry "Simply better!... in the workplace"

You want to know more about "Simply better! . . . in the workplace" basic competences for companies? Fill in the topics so that we can provide you with targeted advice.

Further offers for companies from Flying Teachers

Flying Teachers© placement tests are available free of charge.

Instructions for the tests can be found on the test pages. You should not spend more than one hour on a test

Language courses

From customised 1:1 one-to-one tuition to internal and external group courses - you'll find it all at Flyling Teachers! Of course, we offer all courses in online, face-to-face or hybrid format.

Individual courses

Exclusive 1:1 training that is tailored to the individual needs of employees and can also be easily combined with self-study.

Internal group courses

Joint course for several employees, tailored to the needs of the workplace, in classroom or online lessons.

External group courses

In addition and complementary, your employees can enrol in our public group courses. There are numerous themed courses to choose from, e.g. structure, conversation or business, etc.

What do our customers say?

Simon Lüthi, Operations Manager, Egli’s frische Küchenkräuter AG

"Many thanks to Flying Teachers for the support and preparation of the course. Our employees were very satisfied and loved the course! The progress made by each individual is clearly noticeable, which is great!
A big thank you also goes to the teacher. She always conducted the course with great enthusiasm and enjoyment. She always had the "gift" of motivating our employees and was really able to take away their fear of speaking. Top!"

Kundenfeedback von Sven Aenishänslin, Geschäftsführer Glas Trösch AG

«Der Unterricht ist abwechslungsreich gestaltet, und die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind sehr motiviert bei der Teilnahme.
Alle internen Rückmeldungen sind durchwegs positiv. Wir alle im Betrieb bemerken eine erfreuliche Verbesserung in der Kommunikation untereinander.
Gerade bei Workshops, in welchen es um Optimierungen der Prozesse geht, ist eine rege Kommunikation unabdingbar. Hier zeigt sich, dass vor allem die Hemmschwelle, etwas zu sagen, stark gesunken ist.
Die Mitarbeiter, die die Deutschkurse besuchen, entwickeln ein stärkeres Selbstvertrauern, öffnen sich und tragen in gemeinsamen Workshops wertvolle Inputs bei.
So entsteht ein stärkeres "Wir" und Miteinander.
Für uns ist der Deutschkurs ein Erfolg und schafft die Basis für weitere Entwicklungen im Unternehmen mit unseren immer besser ausgebildeten Mitarbeitern.
Es zeigt sich wieder einmal mehr: Ohne gemeinsame Sprache gibt es keine gemeinsame Entwicklung.»

Any questions?