
With the fide-Test, you can officially prove your German language skills. The fide-Test is recognized by the Confederation and the cantons as valid proof of German proficiency for settlement permits.

The fide-Test is unique because it allows you to prove your oral and written German skills separately—with just one test.

Do you need a B1 level for speaking and only an A2 level for writing? This is easily achievable with the fide-Test. Or perhaps you only need a certificate for the oral part, but not for the written part? This is also possible with the fide-Test—something no other German language exam offers.

Fide Test Examination Details:

  • Speaking section: 20 minutes (individual test)
  • Comprehension section: 20 minutes (individual test)
  • Reading & Writing section: Introduction approx. 15 minutes, test duration 60 minutes

The exact times will be sent to you by letter and email approximately 10 days before the test.

Please review the regulations, as well as the registration and cancellation policies, in advance, as outlined on the registration form.

Please send us the completed registration form by the registration deadline to:

How can I prepare for the FIDE-Test?

You can find a model test and sample exams for the verbal examination here.

When will I receive my results?

You will receive your results (language certificate) approximately 4 weeks after the test.





Accreditation number: ST-01-001


Any questions?