Dictation and Dictogloss in the classroom


ID du cours: 33333-91

Ce qui vous attend:
2 Leçons á 45 Procès-verbal
Au total 1 Jours
Online Präsenz
Participants: Min. 4 Max. 12

130,00 CHF

Dictation and Dictogloss in the classroom

What on earth is Dictogloss? Why dictation? For many, dictation is seen as an out-of-date tool, but we’ll look at some ways to use this to bring some variety and fun to the classroom whilst also teaching English.

Learning goal:

To raise awareness of how to use dictation techniques in the classroom.

The course is suitable for:

English teachers at Flying Teachers and external English teachers.

Les dates de cours peuvent être modifiées par l'institut de formation pour des raisons valables.

Dates de début et détails

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