Further training workshops
Teachers never stop learning either. That's why we offer a whole series of workshops with in-depth topics. Current courses are displayed below.
🥨 Workshops Deutsch
- Geschäftsdeutsch unterrichten
- Zertifikatskurs: Online unterrichten
- Fit für den online Unterricht
- Online unterrichten im Selbststudium
- Telc-Prüfungsvorberitung Deutsch
- Einzelunterricht gestalten
- Grammatik verstehen - Deutsch als Fremdsprache
- Deutsch für Pflegekräfte unterrichten
💂🏻 Workshops English
- Certificate course: Teaching Online
- Teaching Online (e-learning only)
- How to teach Englisch online?
- Teaching and correcting writing - a workshop
- Teaching exam preparation courses
- Teaching Business English - a workshop
- Introduction to teaching English to health care professionals
- Teaching English 1-to-1 - a workshop
🥐 Workshops Français
- Comment enseigner le français en ligne?
- Enseigner les groupes en ligne
- Enseigner le français d'affaires
- La grammaire, comment l'enseigner?
- DFP "Affaires" - préparation aux examens
- L'enseignement individuel
- Enseigner le français aux personnels soignants ou infirmiers
💃🏽 Workshops Español
- ¿Cómo dicto clases de español virtuales?
- ¿Cómo usar el PowerPoint en la clase de español?
- Manejo del aula virtual
Our further training courses
Can't find what you're looking for? Then contact us!
Search through our offers for teachers in our brochure with just one Click (pages 14-19)
We would be happy to provide you with more information and details: office@flyingteachers.com
Tel: 044 350 33 44