DELTA Module One Exam
Understanding language, methodology and resources for teaching
The purpose of Module One is to:
- Develop candidates' knowledge of historical and current theories of first and second language acquisition
- Increase candidates' critical awareness of approaches and methodologies and how they are applied in various English language teaching contexts
- Extend candidates' knowledge of language systems and skills and how they are used
- Increase candidates' understanding of learners' challenges in developing language and skills proficiency
- Enable candidates to critically evaluate teaching and reference materials and resources in different English language teaching contexts
- Increase candidates' knowledge of the role and methods of assessment
Exam format and duration:
Paper 1 (90 minutes)
- 5 tasks: Labelling, short-answer, and longer written responses
Paper 2 (90 minutes)
- 3 tasks: Longer written responses
Note: There is a 30-minute break between Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Cambridge Exam Conditions and Declaration:
- Registrations are only valid if the proof of payment reaches the Centre within the registration deadline. The registration deadline is generally between 35 and 40 days before the exam date. After that, a late entry fee will apply. If you have questions, please contact
- After the submission of the online registration, all withdrawals and cancellations are NON-REFUNDABLE, apart from absenteeism due to illness. In this case, a medical certificate must be submitted to our office within 10 days of the written exam. The candidate will receive a partial refund (KET, PET, and BEC P - CHF 50.- | all others CHF 100.-).
- You must bring a photo ID (original) on the day of the test. You must ensure that you arrive on time and bring the necessary items such as pencils, pens, etc. You must not keep any electronic items in the exam room. A photo will be taken of you on the test day as an additional way of verifying your identity.
- Entries cannot be transferred from one examination to a later one, to a different level of examination, or to another person. All parts of the examination must be taken in the same session.
Please remember that Cambridge English requires a minimum number of four participants for an exam to take place.
I understand that all individuals who wish to take a Cambridge English exam are required to agree to all of the Terms and Conditions (a copy of which has been provided by the centre).
I wish to be admitted for the selected Cambridge English exam at the centre listed on this form and for the date listed here. I will bring a valid photo ID with me on the test day, and I consent to having my photo taken by the centre on the day of the Speaking test and/or the written papers. I agree for this photo to be held on the secure Cambridge English Language Assessment Results Verification site and viewed as set out below if I give my agreement.
The photo shall only be available to organisations or individuals that I give my details to or that I authorise to view my result.
By accepting these terms, I declare that I am aware of and agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions for this exam.