Teaching French to healthcare workers or nursing staff – online course

Course ID: 3852024

What to expect
2 lessons of 60 minutes each
Total 1 days
Online, On-site
Min: 4, Max: 12

CHF 130.00

Teaching French to healthcare workers or nursing staff – online course

This workshop presents the basics of teaching intended for healthcare workers or nursing staff.


You will learn what content is appropriate for this type of teaching and what materials you can use.

You will obtain didactic and pedagogical tips for a successful course.

Contenus pédagogiques

  • French for healthcare workers and nursing staff: appropriate content
  • Useful materials for this type of course
  • The didactic and educational progress in order to succeed in this type of course

The course is aimed at teachers

of FLE, teaching healthcare workers or nursing staff

Level: C1


The examples refer to the teaching of FLE (French as a Foreign Language), healthcare workers or nursing staff.

Start dates and details

Start date
Course times

Any questions?