SVEB/EUROLTA Certificate, Trainer (Languages), AdA ZA-DL January-June

Course ID: 3849519

What to expect
108 lessons of 60 minutes each
Total 18 days
Online, On-site
Min: 6, Max: 14

CHF 3’450.00

SVEB/EUROLTA Certificate, Trainer (Languages), AdA ZA-DL January-June

Conducting teaching courses with groups of adults in the field of foreign languages

For course leaders of DaF/DaZ courses as well as French, Italian, English and Spanish as a foreign language who have a SVEB certificate or can prove that they have attended an SVEB certificate course (AdA-FA-M1, or AdA-ZA-DL)

With this course you will acquire the methodological and didactic basics in order to be able to plan, conduct and evaluate language courses successfully. You will learn how to design teaching units in a varied and participant-oriented manner. You will receive practical input on planning and learning goal controls and on the use of a wide variety of methods. You will deal with key aspects of evaluating teaching sequences and reflect on your own behavior.

Thanks to the division of the course days into face-to-face and online days (in the virtual classroom), you will acquire both analog and digital skills and after the course you will be able to teach in both settings in a participant-friendly and varied way.

Only with Flying Teachers: You teach at least 2 supervised practice lessons and can immediately implement, try out and practice what you have learned. To gain practice in the online and face-to-face setting, you teach the first lesson in the virtual classroom with a teaching aid on a given topic (German as a foreign language) and the second lesson in person on a language topic of your choice. You are observed and receive feedback from your colleagues and your course leader - practical relevance from the first minute!

Self-study: The self-study, which takes an average of 165 hours, includes the following tasks and content:

• Planning and preparation of two supervised practice lessons

• Planning and preparation of the proof of competence (practical demonstration)

• Keeping a learning diary

• Writing four written papers on given topics, one of which is group work

• Individual deepening of the learning material with specialist literature

Academic aims and new skills

  • You can plan, conduct and evaluate language courses with adults within the framework of given concepts, curricula and teaching materials.
  • You have proven skills in the methodological and didactic design of language courses for adults that meet European standards.

Course content

  • Basic didactic knowledge of foreign language teaching
  • Planning, preparing, carrying out and evaluating two supervised practice lessons
  • Self-assessment and reflection

Study time

108 hours’ contact learning time (online and on-site)

  • 18 course days

165 hours’ self study

• Planning and preparation of two supervised practice lessons

• Planning and preparation of the competency test (30-minute practical demonstration)

• Keeping a learning diary (reflection on the learning process)

• Writing two (variant 1) or four (variant 2) written assignments (see below) on given topics, one of which is group work

• Individual deepening of the learning material with specialist literature


  • Expertise in your own field
  • Knowledge of German at least at level C1
  • Experience in leading learning events with adults is not required but makes participation easier. It is therefore recommended that you hold your own learning events at the latest in parallel with attending the module.

Abschluss und Zertifikate

Variant 1: SVEB Certificate Instructor - Conducting learning events in foreign languages

This certificate is recognized throughout Switzerland, is valid for an unlimited period and enables you to work as an instructor in adult education.



Prerequisites for obtaining the module confirmation:

At least 80% participation in the course days

Keeping a learning diary (reflection on the learning process)

Practical demonstration (plan and carry out a 30-minute sequence, either in presence or in the virtual classroom), graded “passed” by the module lecturer

2 written work assignments assessed as “completed”

Additional requirements for obtaining the SVEB certificate Instructor - Conducting learning events:

Proof of practical teaching experience of 150 hours in the field of adult education spread over at least 2 years (group teaching with at least 3 participants or a maximum of 50 hours of teaching with 1-2 people). The practical hours should be proven in physical presence as well as in online settings; proof in the form of job references or confirmations from the employer/client.

Those who are unable to provide evidence of sufficient practical hours at the time of course completion can request the SVEB certificate with the module confirmation and the required proof of practical experience up to a maximum of five years after the end of the course.

Translated with (free version)

Variant 2: SVEB Certificate for Trainers - Conducting foreign language learning events with EUROLTA
The EUROLTA certificate (European Certificate in Language Teaching to Adults) is a qualification for teachers of foreign languages in adult education that is recognized worldwide by the ICC (International Language Association) and other institutions.       
Note: Additional costs for EUROLTA certificate: CHF 400.00.In order to receive the EUROLTA certificate, the following conditions must be fulfilled in addition to the conditions of the SVEB certificate:2 additional written work assignments graded “fulfilled” (4 work assignments in total)Proof of 50 hours of practical teaching experience in the field of language training for adults (group lessons of at least 3); proof in the form of job references or confirmation from the employer/client.Those who do not yet have sufficient practical hours at the time of course completion can request the EUROLTA certificate with the module confirmation and the required proof of practical experience up to a maximum of one year after the end of the course.Equivalence fide
The EUROLTA certificate is recognized by fide as an equivalent qualification for the module “Foreign and Second Language Didactics” (part of the fide certificate “Language Course Instructor in the Integration Sector”).The prerequisite for this is the acquisition of the EUROLTA certificate as part of the SVEB course.

Of interest

Our SVEB courses are subsidized by the federal government if the federal examination (professional certificate for trainers) is taken. The contributions go directly to the students and must be applied for from the federal government:

Bundesbeiträge für Kurse, die auf eidgenössische Prüfungen vorbereiten (

Course days and format

24.01.25 (presence)

01.25.25 (online)

07.02 + 08.02.25 (online)

21. + 22.02.25 (Online)

07.03.25 (Presence)

08.03.25 (Online with exercise class)

21 + 22.03.25 (Online with exercise class)

04. + 05.04.25 (online with exercise class)

25 + 26.04.25 (attendance with exercise class)

09. + 10.05.25 (attendance)

06.06.25 (competency test, online)

07.06.25 (competency test, attendance)

Start dates and details

Start date
Course times

Any questions?