PC intermediate course

Course ID: 3850909

What to expect
48 lessons of 45 minutes each
Total 24 days
Min: 6, Max: 14

CHF 1’310.00

PC intermediate course

This course deepens the basics learnt in the computer application course and expands the basic knowledge of using Word, Excel, PowerPoint and the Internet. The necessary confidence and self-reliance in using Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Internet browsers will be gained.


  • To familiarise yourself with the use of various formatting elements in Word and to design documents attractively. 
  • Learn how to use formulae in Excel and use them for simple calculations.
  • Prepare a presentation visually with the help of PowerPoint and present it effectively. 
  • Search for information on the Internet and learn how to use e-mails.


Minimal knowledge of German

Start dates and details

Start date
Course times

Any questions?