Multi-Check Preparatory Course


Course ID: 99999-27

What awaits you:
2 Lessons á 60 Minutes
In total 1 Days
Participants: Min. 2 Max. 10

CHF 150.00

Multi-Check Preparatory Course

Are you in shape for your apprenticeship application?

Many training companies carry out a multi-check suitability analysis before accepting trainees. The Multicheck shows your suitability for your desired career and training position. So that you can do well, Flying Teachers has developed a suitable preparation course. With specially developed learning material, you can also practice at home in addition to and parallel to the course. And thus increase your chances of getting your dream apprenticeship.

All of our teachers are trained professionals with teaching experience and in-depth knowledge of the Swiss education system and examination formats.

Course content

  • get to know the test format
  • solve exercises on the various sub-areas
  • additional test tasks
  • apply tips and tricks for the test
  • find out in which areas they can still improve
  • Complete mock exams in simulated test situations
  • get to know and experience the scope and duration of the entire test– lernen den Stress abzubauen

Course suitable for

Schoolkids in the 2nd and 3rd secondary classes wishing to undertake and submit an application for an apprenticeship.

The course dates may be changed by the educational institution centre for an important reason.

Start dates and details

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